Computer science was a really interesting subject for me when I really started to know more about it. I have a bachelor’s degree in computer science and engineering. I have done a web application using block chain for completing my degree.I am currently pursuing a postgraduate diploma in programming and web technologies for acquiring skill in the following fields. Full stack web development ,android development, software development, React JS, I have done dating applications in php, photo sharing applications using docker compose,flutter, Blood bank app using android studio. I can adapt to technology changes and am interested in learning new technologies. I am currently working on developing a web application using Python Django and also working with flutter using firebase .
Download CVThis project was implemented using React JS,Ethereum Blockchain,NodeJS, Metamask plugin,firebase,solidity,javascript, css, Web3 JS.In this project a player has an account with ether and can generate a ticket using a ticket generator and one ether will be transferred to the admin account, admin will select the winner and send an email to the winners.I have done this project in a group where I have connected the frontend with backend and I have written the contract for block chain in solidity.
The game was implemented using JavaScript,Html,CSS,In this game there are two players,the computer will automatically select a number from 1-10 when the player selects a number if they both select the same number or if the player played for 10 rounds the game is over, the player with the highest score will win the game.This project is an individual project.
The project was developed using java in Android Studio Platform.The project allows users and centers to register them in the application, when the user login to the application there will be a list of donors available with their blood group and available centers. This project was individual.